Big Box stores DON’T offer 36 Month Interest FREE Financing, so you could end up paying THOUSANDS more in interest charges! Flooring America is proud to offer Interest-Free Financing that allows you to get the Floor of your dreams and pay for it over an extended period of time.
To avoid interest payments, the total must be paid off within the time period.
What You Need to Know:
An equal monthly payment amount will be required based on repayment over the term (number of months) of the promotional period. If paid off within the terms of the agreement, there is no interest charged.
If not paid off on time, the full interest rate will be charged to your account from the date of purchase. To avoid this late fee, you must make your Total Minimum Monthly Payments on the due date each month.
There is a minimum amount and a minimum down payment required for each offer. Special Interest Financing is not available with special discounts, closeouts and/or gift promotions.
Complete details and an application form are available online here or at the store. Apply On-Line or in the Store.*

*With your Flooring America Wall to Wall Credit Card. Subject to credit approval. Minimum Monthly Payments Required. We reserve the right to discontinue or alter the terms of this offer at any time.